Purchase Policies

The contents presented on the site of a Bindubody protected by copyright, are only an Enrichment
And are not a substitute for training with a qualified instructor.
I know that Bindobody and Bindu yoga Swing practice is a professional training system
Purchasing Bindu Yoga Swing is for my personal and private use according to the instructions and safety rules Come with the device while shopping.
I know that acquisition the bindu yoga swing device does not give me the right and/or authority to instruct others As it might imply that I was certified as a trainer by BINDUBody.

I give up on all and any claims against BINDUbody or its managers For damage of any kind and if will resulting from Bindo Yoga Swing activity.

כל הזכויות שמורות לבינדו גוף בריחוף  2010-14 ©  All rights reserved  Copyright 

   email: info@bindubody.com
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